1. How can I check if the booking is confirmed?
- Once you input all the details and make the full payment, you will be redirected to confirmation page and a booking confirmation email will be sent to the registered email address.
- If you do not receive the confirmation email or receive a redirect to the confirmation page then the booking is not complete.
- Please email info@kingo.travel before you attempt to make another booking.
- You are advised to reconfirm your flight and hotel bookings directly with the airline and/or hotel accommodation.
2. How long will it take to receive booking confirmation?
- You should receive the booking confirmation at the time of booking.
- Email info@kingo.travel if you do not receive it within the time specified.
3. Can I make a booking for someone else? Or can someone else pay for my booking?
- You can make a booking for someone else but you will have to authorize it in writing to us by sending an email with a signed copy of the card used to make the payment and also give a written confirmation to the person named on the booking with a signed copy of the card used for booking.
- Someone else can pay for your booking provided we receive a written confirmation in an email and a signed copy of the card used to make the payment.
4. Can I cancel my booking?
- Yes – any cancellation fees are listed in your cancellation policy.
- All the Refund Details are in the Terms & Conditions